Digital pest control with traplinked

Initial situation: Pest control – unsexy, unknown and hardly digital

Biological pest control with LoRaWAN

Pest management and pest control are areas of our society that we hardly pay attention to in our daily lives. After all, who likes to deal with cockroaches, moths, rats and mice voluntarily? But these areas are more important than you might think: every business that comes into contact with food, medicine or similar products must be protected from pests. These include supermarkets, restaurants, bars, agricultural businesses, pharmaceutical manufacturers, logistics centres and many more. The companies that protect these businesses are pest control companies, also known as exterminators.

An important area: protection against rodents.

Rodents (mice and rats) play a particularly important role in this, as they cause a great deal of damage by gnawing on food and items, leaving behind faeces and transmitting disease. The most commonly used methods of protection against rodents are poison bait and mechanical snap traps, which are placed at so-called control points (e.g. at the entrance areas). In most cases, both methods are not digital, which means that there is no database of the objects from which insights and improvements can be gained. At the same time, a great deal of human effort is required to check all control points manually and visually. In addition, there is no continuous protection, as infestations of rodents can only be detected retrospectively, which means that a delayed response is required. This increases the costs for pest control for the companies.

The solution: traplinked – an efficient, digitalised solution for rodent pest control​

The solution, which traplinked has been selling since 2020, works as follows: A standard snap trap is equipped with magnetic sensors, and a sensor module is placed next to it. Every time the snap trap is triggered, the sensor module records the trap's activity. The specially developed app informs the customer (pest controller and/or company) about the trap's activity in real time via push notification or email. The connection is established via LoRaWAN (radio) or WiFi (internet), depending on the location and local conditions. This is how our product JERRY was born. 

JERRY can distinguish between a false alarm and an actual attack, is waterproof and dustproof, runs on a rechargeable battery for at least 18 months and protects the property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, JERRY increases the efficiency of pest controllers by initiating operations only when the system is actually triggered and with a much shorter response time.

Digital remotely monitored impact traps

The result: comprehensive, long-lasting protection against pests.

Traplinked Jerry

With JERRY (and other products from traplinked), companies can be protected against rodents much more efficiently and comprehensively. Companies that use traplinked products with their pest controllers save on pest control costs and receive a better service at the same time. The recorded and collected data enables pest controllers to better understand where pests can enter properties, how they behave in the property and where they tend to nest. This enables a much more targeted response, for example by implementing structural measures and sensitising employees. This results in less damage to the (food) company's products, greater hygiene and fewer infestations in the long term. In addition, no poison is used, which means that the rodents do not have to suffer unnecessarily and contamination is prevented.

Moritz Weigert, Chief Marketing Officer

The basis for setting up a LoRaWAN network is a so-called gateway. A gateway is the LoRa WAn counterpart to a WiFi router. We purchase our gateways from the IoT Shop at Alpha-Omega Technology GmbH. We are very happy with the service, the fair payment terms and the cooperative partnership. Day-to-day business, orders, negotiations and service requests are all on an equal footing and very pleasant. We are particularly satisfied with the fast, reliable and predictable deliveries. We can therefore recommend working with Alpha-Omega Technology GmbH.

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Moritz Weigert traplinked
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