What is Mioty?

Mioty is an IoT technology developed specifically for applications that require reliable wireless communication over long distances and in environments with a lot of interference.

The Mioty Alliance plays a central role in the standardisation and promotion of Mioty technology. It establishes standards for devices and networks, promotes the technology in industry and companies, builds an ecosystem of manufacturers and users, supports research and development and offers a certification programme for Mioty devices to ensure interoperability and quality.

Typical use cases for Mioty

Industrial IoT (IIoT)

Monitoring systems and machines


Remote reading of electricity, gas and water meters

Supply Chain Management

Logistical monitoring of goods and vehicles

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring air and water quality

Smart Agriculture

Monitoring soil moisture and weather conditions

Building digitalisation

Control and monitoring of HVAC systems and energy management

Mioty compared to other technologies

Mioty is characterised by its high robustness and resistance to interference, which makes it particularly suitable for environments with difficult transmission conditions. Compared to other wireless technologies such as LoRaWAN, NB-IoT or Sigfox, Mioty offers a higher data rate and greater range, but often at the cost of greater complexity and more specialised hardware.

For projects that require reliable and scalable communication over long distances and take place in highly interference-prone environments, Mioty may be a preferred choice. It is important to consider the specific requirements of each project in order to select the appropriate IoT technology.

Mioty vs LoRa - what's the difference?

1. Frequency range and modulation: Mioty uses a microwave range for data transmission, while LoRaWAN operates in the sub-GHz range. Microwaves typically have lower attenuation and can therefore be able to cover greater distances with less loss of performance.

2. Spread spectrum technology: Mioty uses a special spread spectrum technology that is optimised for robust and interference-resistant communication. This technology enables better penetration of obstacles and more reliable transmission over long distances.

3. Signal integrity and data rate: Mioty's special synchronisation and timing technology improves signal integrity, resulting in more efficient use of the available bandwidth and a higher data rate. This can contribute to Mioty's ability to communicate over longer distances without compromising transmission quality.

4. Application focus and design decisions: Mioty was developed specifically for use in industrial environments, which can often have larger distances and interfering factors. The design aims to overcome these challenges and ensure reliable communication over longer distances.

Overall, these features and technological choices allow Mioty to achieve a higher range compared to LoRaWAN. However, it is important to note that the actual range depends heavily on the specific operating conditions, the environment and the configuration of the network infrastructure.

Is Mioty the right technology for you?

Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your specific application conditions and find out which IoT technology is best suited to your requirements.

Limitations of the Mioty technology

Market situation for Mioty devices: The selection of Mioty devices and sensors on the market is still limited compared to established IoT technologies such as LoRaWAN or NB-IoT, but the range is growing continuously. Typical Mioty devices include sensors for various applications such as temperature, humidity, pressure, motion detection and more. The availability and variety of these sensors depends on the specific requirements of the projects and the manufacturers.

Complexity of implementation:  Setting up and integrating Mioty networks often requires specialised knowledge and can be complex, especially compared to simpler IoT technologies.

Cost: Although hardware costs can be moderate, the total cost of Mioty projects can be higher due to the need for specialised components and the complexity of implementation.

Limited choice of IoT platforms: Compared to established IoT technologies such as LoRaWAN, there may be less choice of Mioty platforms, which can limit flexibility of choice.

Which Mioty hardware devices are already available? 

There is already a large selection of hardware with Mioty technology in our online shop iot-shop and more is being added all the time. Take a look around and see for yourself!