Climate monitoring in churches

Protestant Church of Westphalia uses LoRaWAN to save energy

Initial situation: Reducing energy consumption and protecting church buildings​

church wants to save energy

In times of rising energy costs and the urgent need to reduce fossil fuel energy consumption, our church buildings are moving centre stage. Church buildings, parish halls, day care centres and residential buildings offer enormous potential for energy savings. Buildings account for around 80% of church emissions. Church buildings in particular, which are often only used occasionally, have a high heating requirement. It is therefore an important challenge to reduce room temperatures without jeopardising the fabric and furnishings of church buildings due to excessive humidity. Organs are particularly sensitive and can suffer considerable damage if humidity is not controlled.

Solution for reducing energy consumption: use of Dragino data loggers and LoRaWAN in church buildings

To overcome this challenge, the regional church decided to use Dragino data loggers in combination with indoor gateways in autumn 2022. These devices continuously measure the temperature and relative humidity in the church rooms, enabling precise monitoring. With the data obtained, those responsible can optimise the heating systems and thus reduce energy consumption without the humidity falling into a critical range. The regional church has made the data loggers available to the parishes free of charge. Around 400 devices are now in use in over 200 buildings.

Another advantage is the use of the LoRaWAN wireless standard for data transmission. This standard has the advantage that it has a greater range compared to WLAN. The data transmission is so effective that the data loggers can be operated for several years without changing batteries. This eliminates the need for any cabling in the buildings. The gateways are typically located in the community centres. The data is collected centrally and can be accessed by all those involved in the parishes in the KlimaApp. This was newly developed by the Dortmund-based company logarithmo.

Dragino sensors in church buildings

Successful results: 50% energy savings through digital solutions and sustainable behaviour in church buildings

50% Energieeinsparung in kirchlichen Gebäuden

Thanks to the rapid deployment of data loggers and innovative LoRaWAN technology, church facilities can effectively reduce their CO₂ emissions. In this way, St Paul's Church in Ahlen was able to save 50% of its energy consumption by lowering temperatures in a controlled manner.

The combination of digitalisation and sustainable action shows how church communities can make an active contribution to climate protection. The regional church is thus taking an important step towards more environmentally friendly and future-orientated management of its properties.

The project to reduce the temperature in church buildings aims to use indoor climate monitoring and modern technology to reduce energy consumption and at the same time protect the building fabric and furnishings. Further information can be found on the website:

Dr. André Brust, Energy Manager

Our colleagues in the sales department at Alpha-Omega Technology provided us with a great deal of support with countless orders to the various shipping addresses in order to get the data loggers to the many parishes. Our colleagues in the technical department also provided uncomplicated advice on questions.

Dr André Brust is energy manager at the Protestant churches
The EBZ Pappenheim: Energy management and LoRaWAN in use