akenza IoT platform

Self-service IoT platform for building intelligent solutions

 akenza - Centrally control and manage intelligent IoT solutions

akenza is an enterprise IoT platform that connects, controls, and manages devices, enabling rapid deployment of smart, secure IoT solutions.​

akenza allows you to build great IoT products and services with value. With simple and secure management of smart devices, connectivity, and data, the akenza IoT platform enables the rapid introduction of innovative, smart solutions.

akenza helps organizations build their solutions on a solid technological foundation without reinventing the IoT wheel. The akenza IoT platform can be seen as a bridge between the physical world and the cloud, providing a software component that allows you to pierce through the barrier between devices and software quickly. The technology-agnostic architecture avoids technology lock-in and makes it possible to register any type of device via any connectivity technology, process the data, and make it available to any application in the cloud.

The platform is adapted to organizations of all sizes, from startups to enterprises, from one device to massive IoT deployments. Thanks to our self-service solution, you can start creating your IoT case right away, even without coding skills.

 akenza - Your Swiss partner for innovative IoT solutions throughout Europe

akenza is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, where it helps companies from all over Europe to develop their own smart IoT solutions. The company has established itself in long-term relationships with major clients such as the Facility Management Provider ISS Switzerland, Georg Fischer, Zurich Insurance, and various SMEs.

Functions of the IoT platform

No-Code Data Flow

Easily connect your sensor to the cloud with our no-code Data Flow. In just three simple steps and a few clicks, you can connect your devices to akenza, decode the payload, and securely store your data in the cloud. Our self-service approach makes it quick and easy for anyone, with no coding skills required.


Benefit from global LoRaWAN coverage through our extensive network of connectivity partners. Our Connectivity as a Service offering gives you seamless LoRaWAN access directly from the akenza platform, eliminating the hassle of separate connectivity contracts.

Automation and notifications

The Rule Engine lets you analyze and process data from multiple devices simultaneously, triggering actions as needed with no coding skills required! Automate tasks like sending SMS or email notifications, sending downlinks, or aggregating data.

Dashboard Builder

Create customized dashboards quickly and efficiently with our Dashboard Builder. Choose from a variety of components to personalize your data view, including our interactive 3D floorplan feature for a dynamic visualization of your facilities.

 akenza - The IoT platform for innovators, integrators and consultants for the rapid implementation of intelligent solutions

The akenza IoT platform is designed to cater to a diverse range of professionals and organizations seeking to develop smart solutions across various fields. Whether you're an IoT innovator, system integrator, engineering firm, or consultant, akenza provides the tools needed to build and deploy intelligent IoT solutions.

IoT innovators:

For those exploring IoT but not necessarily coming from a programming background, akenza's low-code and self-service features make it an ideal choice. The platform simplifies the process of connecting devices and reading data in the cloud without requiring deep coding expertise. This allows for rapid prototyping and deploying solutions, without the technical barriers.

System integrators and engineering offices:

System integrators and engineering firms often face the challenge of managing complex projects involving multiple devices and platforms. The akenza IoT platform provides a large selection of devices and output connectors, making it easier to integrate a wide array of sensors, actuators, and systems. This flexibility enables integrators to build scalable and robust IoT solutions tailored to the specific needs of their clients, ensuring interoperability and seamless management.

Consultants and solution providers:

For consultants and solution providers looking to offer customized smart solutions, akenza offers white-labeling features and multi-tenancy. These features allow consultants to deliver branded IoT solutions to customers and allows them time to focus on their expertise.

The akenza platform supports the creation of smart solutions across multiple industries, such as smart buildings, industrial IoT, smart cities, and more. By lowering the barriers to entry through its low-code approach and extensive device compatibility, akenza lets organizations innovate without the complexities typically associated with IoT development.

IoT platform for the following IoT technologies

IoT technologies


IoT technologies


IoT technologies


IoT technologies

Wireless M-Bus

We're ready to assist you with any questions!

IoT platforms offer immense opportunities to optimise processes, reduce costs and open up new business opportunities. However, choosing the right IoT platform and implementing it can be a challenge.

Our team of experts is available to provide you with comprehensive advice on this topic. We will help you identify the best solutions for your specific requirements and guide you step by step through the implementation process.

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